Adults Antibodies CD14+ monocytes - White blood cells Children Exhausted T-cells Immune system Long Covid Similarities with other viruses T-cells The Virus

COVID-19 causes death of immune cells that are crucial to fight infection

Covid-19 kills and exhausts T-cells and B-cells that form the base for our immune system.

ulaval.ca › … › 2022COVID-19 causes death of immune cells that are crucial to fight infection

Adults Blood clots Cardiovascular conditions CD14+ monocytes - White blood cells Genetics Heart disease Immune system Micro Clots Study The Virus Trombosis Vascular damage and desease

Transcriptional reprogramming from innate immune functions to a pro-thrombotic signature by monocytes in COVID-19

White blood cells stop acting normally when infected by Covid-19 and starts to work against the body and starts creating blood clots. Read study below.