An extensive compilation of links to studies and statistics on what SARS-Cov-2 does to your body, brain etc. And it is way worse than most people know.
An extensive compilation of links to studies and statistics on what SARS-Cov-2 does to your body, brain etc. And it is way worse than most people know.
Covid-19 affects our brains. Those of us still uninfected can notice how people around us change after their first bat with the virus. In long covid it often continues…
Det sker mycket i kroppen när man får Covid-19, och långcovid innebär att det inte tar slut, utan förvärras ofta med tiden. Här här en norsk genomgång.
White blood cells stop acting normally when infected by Covid-19 and starts to work against the body and starts creating blood clots. Read study below.
Long Covid is a big deal. It has the ability to potentially wreck a nations economy. And it destroys lives. Read more here.
Blood clots affect all ages.
Extended coagulation profile of children with Long Covid: a prospective study
How does reinfections affect you?
Every time a person is infected with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the risk for permanent damages increases.
After having Covid-19 your run a very high risk of developing blood clots.