Air cleaners Air quality BA.2.75 BA.4 BA.5 Brain damage Breathing protection Cardiovascular conditions Children Ffp2 Heart disease KN95 Long Covid Masks N95 Omicron Protection Respiratory Schools Symptoms The Virus Transmission Transmission and mitigation Vaccines Vascular damage and desease

The “All about children & Covid” link-page

Here we are trying to put all the important links on children and Covid, be it Long Covid, vaccines, mitigation etc we will put them here.

Heart inflammation among most common long COVID conditions in children

38 studies on Covid and its most common impacts on the health of children and adolescents

British Medical Journal on not protecting children during the pandemic (school mitigation etc)

Blood vessel damage in children

How to improve indoor air quality

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends masks in schools for everyone over 2, regardless of vaccinations

Neurological risks and damages in children infected by Covid

Your Kid’s School Needs Better Ventilation to Help Keep COVID-19 in Check

New symptoms found in COVID-infected children raise concerns in Hong Kong

Blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure: COVID creates a higher risk for rare pediatric health problems, new CDC study finds

BA.2.75 BA.4 BA.5 Breathing protection Children Ffp2 KN95 Long Covid Masks N95 Omicron Protection Respiratory Schools Transmission Transmission and mitigation Vaccines

Children over 2 should wear masks in school/daycare

Yes. 2 year olds can wear a mask. It isn’t dangerous and the children get used to them really fast.

Adults BA.2.75 BA.4 BA.5 Children DNA Genetics Omicron PCR tests Tests The Virus Transmission Transmission and mitigation

New strains not showing up in PCR-tests

Later variants have mutated enough to not show up on single gene PCR-tests. For testing to function satisfactory PCR-tests now need two gene detection.

Children Long Covid Masks Protection Schools Transmission Transmission and mitigation

BMJ on not protecting children

British Medical Journal shares the professional opinion on not protecting children in schools etc, and their judgement on the British lack of protection is harsh. UK has a similar approach as Sweden on protection in schools etc.