Most people seem too be ignoring the risk themselves wether they will contract Long Covid or not. Even though the risk is 20-33% depending on wether you are a man or a woman. A large portion of the population will regret their approach on Long Covid.
Category: Adults
Covid affects the brain. For almost everyone that gets infected. Have you lost smell and/or taste at some point, you can be sure it has altered your brain.
Research shows your genes might affect how your body responds to a SARS-Cov-2 infection.
Children are more affected mentallythan adults when suffering from Long Covid. Not unexpected, since less life experience leaves children with less references and tools to deal with the Long Covid experience.
Note eryone develops antibodies against SARS-Cov-2 when infected. It isn’t suprising since it is a common result when the same thing is investigated in other viral infections. Many factors are involved.
There are coming reports on Covid’s effects on the immune system, and neither of them are sunny. This study from the Linköping University in Sweden shows that severe cases has long lasting effects on T-cells and other parts of the immune system similar to chronic HIV-infections. Yet another reason to not get infected.
What does the cardiac outcome look like in mild Covid cases? Well, symptoms or not, you got damage.
The new updated versions of Moderna’s and Pfizer/BioNTech are here and approved. 5 common questions answered.
Anyone read up on Covid and transmission/mitigation. knows that the SARS-Cov-2 virus likes to get airborne. 90%+ of transmission is airborne. This makes air quality important when it comes to protect people indoors.
Some research indicates that micro-clots have a big part in forming Long Covid.