An extensive compilation of links to studies and statistics on what SARS-Cov-2 does to your body, brain etc. And it is way worse than most people know.
An extensive compilation of links to studies and statistics on what SARS-Cov-2 does to your body, brain etc. And it is way worse than most people know.
When a cell gets infected by SARS-Cov-2 it causes chaos in the cells RNA functions in many different ways and ultimately creates havoc in how the cell functions.
Det sker mycket i kroppen när man får Covid-19, och långcovid innebär att det inte tar slut, utan förvärras ofta med tiden. Här här en norsk genomgång.
Declining levels of T-cells, infection after infection, declining health, weird skin cancer, pneumonia that won’t resolve even with tons of antibiotics; does it sound familiar? We might be looking at this again, 40 years after the AIDS-epidemic hit USA and Western Europe…
Long Covid is a big deal. It has the ability to potentially wreck a nations economy. And it destroys lives. Read more here.
48% has remains fatigue after covid. That’s a lot. To put it short.