Sore throat has risen to become the most common symptom of Covid-19 as BA.5 reaches dominance.
Category: Children
Quite a few to put it short. And a sign of how common long Covid is! Deniers have nothing. Science is on it.
Children gets long Covid just as adults. And many just as severe. Learn more about Covid and neurology in children here.
Swedish health authority Folkhälsomyndigheten among a few others, UK government etc, have claimed that children don’t spread Covid and that schools aren’t driving the spread. Most epidemiologists disagreed from the very start and just watching statistics on age groups have given proof to the view of schools actually being the major force in driving the pandemic. Here is solid proof. That’s why it is very important to use counter measures in schools in order to slow down spread in society as a whole.
Most people seem too be ignoring the risk themselves wether they will contract Long Covid or not. Even though the risk is 20-33% depending on wether you are a man or a woman. A large portion of the population will regret their approach on Long Covid.
Covid affects the brain. For almost everyone that gets infected. Have you lost smell and/or taste at some point, you can be sure it has altered your brain.
Blood vessel damage generally doesn’t “heal”, so this is bad.
Research shows your genes might affect how your body responds to a SARS-Cov-2 infection.
Covid-19 is airborne. It has been known since spring 2020. Airborne viruses are dealt with using breathing protection and… efficient ventilation and air filtration.
Children are more affected mentallythan adults when suffering from Long Covid. Not unexpected, since less life experience leaves children with less references and tools to deal with the Long Covid experience.