Adults Antibodies B rain fog Blood clots Brain damage Brain fog Breathing protection Cardiovascular conditions Children Chronic Fatigue Fatigue Fever Heart disease Immune system Long Covid Memory problem Mental health Micro Clots Muscle Pain Neurological Damage Pain Respiratory Symptoms T-cells The Virus Vascular damage and desease

Outcomes of SARS-Cov-2 reinfections

How does reinfections affect you?

Adults Alzheimers Blood clots Brain damage Cardiovascular conditions Children Heart disease Immune system Long Covid Mental health Micro Clots Neurological Damage Respiratory T-cells The Virus Vascular damage and desease

Every reinfection increases the risk to health

Every time a person is infected with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the risk for permanent damages increases.

Adults B rain fog Brain damage Brain fog Children Immune system Long Covid Memory problem Mental health Neurological Damage Symptoms The Virus

Covid & The Brain: A Neurological Health Crisis

Brain fog, failing memory, difficulties focusing; It is all the brain. Our most important organ.

Adults Brain damage Cardiovascular conditions Children Heart disease Immune system Long Covid Long Covid Test Mental health Micro Clots Neurological Damage PubMed Respiratory Symptoms Tests The Virus Vascular damage and desease

10.000 articles on Long Covid published in PubMed

Quite a few to put it short. And a sign of how common long Covid is! Deniers have nothing. Science is on it.

Brain damage Cardiovascular conditions Children Immune system Long Covid Mental health Neurological Damage Omicron Symptoms The Virus

Neurological risks and damage in kids with long Covid.

Children gets long Covid just as adults. And many just as severe. Learn more about Covid and neurology in children here.

Adults Alzheimers Brain damage Mental health Symptoms The Virus

Alzheimer’s; Sped up or triggered by Covid?

A couple of studies and papers have been released over the last year or so showing on increased numbers of new Alzheimner’s cases in certain age groups. Here this is more on the subject.

Adults Brain damage Children Long Covid Mental health Symptoms The Virus Treatment

How long Covid reshapes the brain, and how we might treat it

Covid affects the brain. For almost everyone that gets infected. Have you lost smell and/or taste at some point, you can be sure it has altered your brain.

Adults Children Long Covid Mental health

Mental consequences more prevalent in Long Covid kids than adults

Children are more affected mentallythan adults when suffering from Long Covid. Not unexpected, since less life experience leaves children with less references and tools to deal with the Long Covid experience.–q8Anxdo3zhdo46cKU5ZkCyGkd00Hr_nNt6vKYKlyisHJY