Adults Alzheimers Blood clots Brain damage Breathing protection Cardiovascular conditions Children DNA Genetics Heart disease Heart lesions Hospital Hospitalisation Immune dysfunction Immune system Long Covid Long Covid Lungs V/Q children Masks Mental health Micro Clots Nasal sprays as Covid-19 protection Neurological Damage Omicron Organ impairment Pregnancy & Covid-19 Protection PubMed Research Respiratory Resulting illnesses Schools Severe Covid Similarities with other viruses Study Symptoms The Virus Transmission Transmission and mitigation Trombosis Vascular damage and desease

What SARS-CoV-2 Does to the Body (2nd Edition, July 2023)

An extensive compilation of links to studies and statistics on what SARS-Cov-2 does to your body, brain etc. And it is way worse than most people know.

Adults Covid-19 Pneumonia DNA Genetics Hospitalisation Lung damage Respiratory The Virus

Human genetic and immunological determinants of critical COVID-19 pneumonia

What determines how ill the acute phase of Covid-19 will make you regarding to pneumonia? It seems to be your DNA.

Antiviral treatment Hospitalisation Pegylated Interferon Lambda Research Severe Covid Study The Virus Treatment

A New (Old) Drug Joins the COVID Fray, and Guess What? It Works

Hre is a easier to understand article about the study on Pegylated Interferon Lambda that was published here earlier. And yep. 50% reduction in risk for severe covid and death.

Cardiovascular conditions Children Heart disease Heart lesions Hospitalisation Hyperinflammation Immune system Research Resulting illnesses Study The Virus Vascular damage and desease

COVID-19 Heart Lesions in Children: Clinical, Diagnostic and Immunological Changes

Why heart lesions in children happens as a result of Covid-19 infection.

Adults Antibodies CD14+ monocytes - White blood cells Children Exhausted T-cells HIV & AIDS Hospitalisation Immune dysfunction Immune system Long Covid Long Covid Similarities with other viruses Study T-cells The Virus

Immunodysfunction: A Cause of Stealth COVID-19 Illness and Death

Declining levels of T-cells, infection after infection, declining health, weird skin cancer, pneumonia that won’t resolve even with tons of antibiotics; does it sound familiar? We might be looking at this again, 40 years after the AIDS-epidemic hit USA and Western Europe…

Cardiovascular conditions Heart disease Hospitalisation Long Covid Micro Clots Severe Covid Symptoms The Virus Vascular damage and desease

Heart disease after Covid: what the data says

After a Covid infection the risk of many heart and vascular diseases multiplies…

Adults Children DNA Genetics Hospitalisation Immune system Long Covid Severe Covid The Virus Transmission Transmission and mitigation

Your DNA and how sick Covid will make you

Research shows your genes might affect how your body responds to a SARS-Cov-2 infection.

Adults DNA HIV & AIDS Hospital Hospitalisation Immune system Long Covid Severe Covid Similarities with other viruses T-cells The Virus

Covid affects the immune system long after infection is over (in severe cases)

There are coming reports on Covid’s effects on the immune system, and neither of them are sunny. This study from the Linköping University in Sweden shows that severe cases has long lasting effects on T-cells and other parts of the immune system similar to chronic HIV-infections. Yet another reason to not get infected.